


Outstanding Paper
論文名稱 【人工智慧與大數據應用 Artificial intelligence and big data】營建業永續報告書 GRI 準則與財務績效之關聯性分析
本研究探討營建業如何依據全球永續性報告協會(GRI)準則編寫永續報告書,並利用機器學習分析這些準則與企業財務績效之間的關聯。以中鼎工程公司為案例,研究其永續報告書的撰寫方法及內容,並整理 52 家台灣上市營建企業依循 GRI 準則的情況,分析 GRI 準則與財務績效(EPS、ROE、ROA 及 Income)之間的關聯。研究方法包含兩部分:首先,針對中鼎工程永續報告書進行深入解析,整理其 GRI 準則索引及報告內容與 GRI 準則的對照;其次,搜集 52 家營建企業的 GRI 準則依循數據及財務績效數據,利用線性回歸、K-近鄰演算法及隨機森林等機器學習模型進行分析。
績效有顯著影響的十大 GRI 準則特徵。這些特徵包括:確定給付制義務與其他退休計畫、氣候變遷風險與機會、組織內部的能源消耗量等。最後,本研究建議企業在撰寫永續報告書時,應重點關注上述特徵,以提高報告書的品質並促進財務績效提升。總結來看,依循 GRI 準則編寫的永續報告書能夠對營建業公司的財務表現產生正向影響,並有助於企業達成永續發展的目標。

關鍵字:營建業、永續報告書、GRI 準則、財務績效、機器學習分析
Outstanding Paper
得獎人姓名Ang Chi Hang
指導教授Jacob J. Lin
論文名稱 【人工智慧與大數據應用 Artificial intelligence and big data】Feasibility study of point cloud registration using line geometry in the built environment
With the development in technology, the point cloud data has high potential usage in the construction field. A prerequisite of most point cloud applications is first to register the point cloud segments in the same global coordinate system. However, manually registering point clouds is time-consuming and labor-intensive work. This research addresses the point cloud registration problem in the built environment by using line geometry, which is considered a salient feature in the building environment. A framework, including a line extraction module, a line feature matching module, an outlier pruning module, and a 3-linebased registration module is proposed in this research to perform point cloud registration automatically. The experiment showed that the registration recall could be up to 50% in the WHU-TLS dataset even in a highly contaminated search space, which contained only 10% inlier correspondences. The experiment results proved the feasibility of the line-based registration framework and identified several performance indicators to perform a successful point cloud registration.

Keywords: Point Cloud Registration; Deep Learning; Building Area; Point Cloud Application
Outstanding Paper
得獎人姓名Mohamed Ibrahim Abdi
所屬單位國立台灣科技大學 營建工程系
指導教授Min-Yuan Cheng
論文名稱 【人工智慧與大數據應用 Artificial intelligence and big data】Weighted Feature Selection for Improving Building Thermal Load Prediction Using Optical-inspired Bidirection Machine Learning
Predicting building thermal loads is critical for optimizing building energy management systems and enhancing energy efficiency. The high-dimensional characteristics of HVAC loads necessitate the selection of an optimal number of features to improve model accuracy. In this research, a novel approach is introduced that utilizes weighted feature selection methods. Four different techniques, including Pearson, Spearman, and Kendall correlations, as well as a dimensionality reduction method, Principal Component Analysis, are used to determine four distinct sets of features based on the dimensionality of feature numbers. After that, the combination of Neural Networks (NN) and Bidirectional Gated Recurrent Units (BiGRU) is used with the Optical Microscope Algorithm (OMA), an optimization algorithm inspired by microscopic mechanisms, to fine-tune the NN-BiGRU framework. This Opticalinspired Bidirectional Machine Learning model (OMA-NN-BiGRU) predicts the outcomes from the four data methods. Additionally, OMA is applied to optimize the weight combinations of the predictions from the individual feature selection methods, based on their contributions to the final prediction. The results demonstrate that the proposed model achieves significantly higher accuracy than the single methods. The weighted feature selection model demonstrates superior performance, with a Root Mean Squared Error
(RMSE) of 0.046, a Mean Absolute Error (MAE) of 0.032, a Mean Absolute Percentage Error (MAPE) of 12.6%, and R² values of 0.95 and 0.90, respectively. The OMA-NNBiGRU model outperforms other compared models in building thermal load prediction. This study offers fresh insights into creating an integrated approach based on different input
variable dimensions.

Keywords: Thermal Load Prediction; Weighted Feature Selection Approach; NeuralNetwork; Bidirectional Gated Recurrent Unit; Optical Microscope Algorithm
Outstanding Paper
所屬單位國立雲林科技大學 營建工程系
論文名稱 【人工智慧與大數據應用 Artificial intelligence and big data】基於遷移式學習之水土保持構造物延壽評估系統之研究

Best Paper
論文名稱 【人工智慧與大數據應用 Artificial intelligence and big data】 以無人機建立即時自動化橋梁裂縫影像辨識系統
隨著 AI 技術和深度學習算法的發展,無人機 (UAV) 和影像辨識的結合提供了
本研究利用 ROS (Robot Operating System) ,結合無人機和影像辨識模型,建立即時的裂縫辨識系統。此系統將無人機捕獲的影像匯入開發板上的 ROS 系統,經過一系列影像處理步驟後,輸入已訓練好的影像辨識模型進行裂縫辨識。辨識結果即時儲存並向使用者發出警示通知,實現裂縫檢測和通報功能的即時化和高效化。

關鍵字:ROS (Robot Operating System)、深度學習、影像辨識
Best Paper
得獎人姓名Hoang-Minh Nguyen
所屬單位國立台灣科技大學 營建工程系
指導教授Jui-Sheng Chou
論文名稱 【人工智慧與大數據應用 Artificial intelligence and big data】Optimizing Hyperparameters in Energy AI Models Using the Age of Exploration-Inspired Optimizer
In energy research, metaheuristic optimization is crucial for refining the
hyperparameters of artificial intelligence (AI) models. As data science evolves, the complexity of datasets, input variables, and patterns has increased, posing significant challenges in developing efficient AI models. This research introduces the Age of Exploration-Inspired Optimizer (AEIO), a novel metaheuristic technique designed to enhance performance by fine-tuning hyperparameters in AI models for energy applications.The AEIO algorithm is rigorously evaluated using benchmark functions across various scales and dimensions. Its effectiveness is further demonstrated through three case studies: green energy production, residential energy consumption, and regional energy demand forecasting. In each scenario, the AEIO algorithm consistently outperforms existing methods when combined with machine and deep learning models to predict discrete and time-series data in the energy sector. This study also pioneers integrating density-based spatial clustering of applications with noise (DBSCAN) into a metaheuristic optimization algorithm. It comprehensively assesses this novel approach to optimizing AI models within the energy domain, underscoring its practicality and significance.

Keywords: Energy Generation; Energy Consumption; Metaheuristic Algorithm; DBSCAN; AI Models