Speaker :
Prof. Mirosław J. Skibniewski
Department :
Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, The University of Maryland
Date :
06/08/2024 (Tuesday)
Time :
10:00 am to 12:00 pm
Hong Kong time (GMT+8)
Venue :
Hybrid: (1) 5-206, 5/F Lau Ming Wai Academic Building; (2) Zoom
Biography :
Dr. Miroslaw J. Skibniewski is a Professor of Engineering Project Management in the Project Management Center for Excellence at the University of Maryland - College Park. Prior to his current appointment he served for 20 years as a faculty member and a senior administrator at Purdue University in West Lafayette, Indiana. He received his M.S. and Ph.D. degrees in Engineering Planning and Management from Carnegie-Mellon University. As a researcher and educator, Professor Skibniewski focuses on information and information technology applications in construction project management. Prof. Skibniewski is a member of National Academy of Construction (USA) and of two foreign national academies of engineering. He was a founding member of the Board of Directors and is Past President of the International Association for Automation and Robotics in Construction. Prof. Skibniewski has served for 30 years as the Editor-in-Chief of Automation in Construction, a top-ranking civil engineering research journal published by Elsevier, and as Co-Editor-in-Chief of Frontiers of Engineering Management, a scholarly journal sponsored by the Chinese Academy of Engineering and published by Springer with Higher Education Press. He is an author or co-author of over 400 technical publications and has made more than 200 invited conference keynote presentations worldwide.
Abstract :
Construction 5.0 is a relatively new concept proposed by the European Union as part of a broader paradigm called Industry 5.0. This concept builds on the achievements of Industry/Construction 4.0 in Information and Automation technologies for improving productivity, efficiency and quality of industry, but focuses primarily on achieving goals related to environmental sustainability, resilience and human well-being. This presentation will discuss the challenges and opportunities, as well as new research required for achieving the goals and objectives of Construction 5.0 in North America, Europe and Asia.
ASCE Region 10 Distinguished Lecture :
This lecture invites outstanding international scholars and industry practitioners who have made significant contributions to Civil Engineering to share their achievements with ASCE international members. ASCE Region 10 is the home to all ASCE international members and covers all countries outside of North America.
Registration :
Online registration at https://reurl.cc/WNL8rZ
Contact :
Email: xiaowu@cityu.edu.hk
Organized by :
ASCE Region 10
Co-organized by :
Department of Architecture and Civil Engineering, City University of Hong Kong